Tim Taylor is a highly respected catalytic leader, a strategist, consultant, coach, trainer, author, inspirational speaker, activist, and one of the cutting-edge leaders of our day in citywide transformation.
While serving on the staff of an admiral in Desert Storm, he received a revelation regarding the biblical origin of principles taught in many war colleges.

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3 Reasons Why Your Vision is Sidetracked & The Hidden Key to Get it Back on Track
by Tim Taylor
This eBook is one of Tim Taylor's most popular publications available as a free download. Inside of this eBook, you will learn:
- How a wrong worldview will cause your plans to miss the mark.
- How a wrong view of yourself can get you stuck in a rut.
- How I used timeless principles to transform myself, businesses, churches, networks, non-profits, cities and counties.
- How to use your failures to advance.
- The key to move your vision from a dream or idea into an operational reality.

Are you sick and tired of being STUCK?
Tim Taylor helps community leaders and marketplace ministers like you to be equipped to design a winning strategy to reach your goals.
Ignoring a problem never makes it go away… it only makes things worse, and ultimately harder to solve. The good news is that you’ve come to the right place to jumpstart your life! The difference between staying where you are indefinitely, and moving forward to realize your potential, is all about taking action.

Did you know there is a sequence to SUCCESS and TRANSFORMATION?Â
Success & Transformation doesn’t happen by chance. It happens by choice. When you combine the right principles with precise implementation you get rapid transformation!
Tim Taylor Training has identified an eternal blueprint that anyone, or any organization, can follow to achieve outstanding results.
In life there are always going to be ups and downs. What if you could learn how to make the up times last—and minimize or eliminate the down times? Tim Taylor provides training solutions that do just that.
We can help you achieve greater success, faster, and with fewer setbacks. Don’t take our word for it… we’ll prove it to you!
We have the proven resources to transform your life, church, business, city or region. From on-site workshops to online courses, coaching, consulting and more, we create change from the inside out. We offer a wide array of development and training programs built on timeless principles that get results.
All The Tools You Need To Build A Strategic Plan to Succeed

What did Michael Jordan, Princess Diana, Michael Hyatt and Oprah Winfrey all have in common? They all used coaches.
Even at the peak of their careers, great leaders continue to use coaches to help them achieve more. If you are ready to take action and create the outcomes you want, we offer coaching programs to assist you in the process. Improve your performance and your results! Check out our coaching services designed to accelerate your success.

Want thorough training to help you master your trade, but can’t imagine it fitting into your busy schedule?
Tim Taylor offers high quality online video training that you can watch on your own time. So you can learn on your own time – and grow on your own time.
We pour passion, knowledge, and practical pointers into all of our videos, which means the trainings won’t just engage you.

When you want your event to be a success, you need to be able to rely on your speaker to deliver a message that will inspire, entertain and create positive change. You want more than temporary motivation… you want to create permanent transformation! After all, it’s your responsibility to make the event memorable, and you don’t want to leave anything to chance.
Tim Taylor delivers skill-building content and cutting-edge insights that will educate and energize your audience.

John Barker
President of Centric3 & Senior Advisor, Kobalt Media | Lebanon, TN
As a business executive, I have learned the critical discipline and extreme value of being discipled or coached by others. Tim is that mentor-coach that I rely on for sharpening my decision-making skills, dealing with challenges, partnering in prayer, and obtaining key insights and Biblical wisdom vital to my life and business. These emanate from Tim. I wholeheartedly recommend you engaging Tim and benefit from his expertise gleaned from his proven business, military, and ministry experience. Invest in yourself and increase in all aspects of your life by working with Tim.

Dr. Charlene Allen
Kingdom Builders International | Olympia, WA
Presenting a problem for resolution is a great reason to engage Tim, but an even greater asset is his ability to see problems in your business that you didn't know was a problem. Tim helped direct us on several occasions in areas of marketing and publication so technology could be used more effectively and effectively. With his help, we cut the cost of our book publication which enable us to market our products to a larger audience with the end looking more professional. He also gave us suggestions on our website which enable an additional stream of income. If you need help with uncovering blind spots in your business or ministry, allow Tim to review your vision so he can provide ways increase your vision to a wider audience. I’d highly recommend working with Coach Tim.

Doug Basler
President of Prologue Digital | Kent, WA
Tim Taylor is a terrific resource. His expertise in strategizing, planning, and coaching has been a refreshing departure from traditional business coaching we have received in the past. I particularly appreciate his values based approach to solutions for problems we face. When we first started working with Tim we were struggling with our revenue streams and buried in debt. Today we are debt-free and are achieving our revenue goals every month and our business is growing. If you are struggling with profitability issues like we were and are looking to make changes in your organization, I highly recommend a strategy session with Tim Taylor!

John Anderson
President, Global Development Partners | Gig Harbor, WA
I am a corporate executive. I regularly reach out to people and organizations whose interests are quite divergent from mine. But we could always find a common goal with mutual benefit. In 2012, I felt a call to build a network of churches to pray for our community. We formed a core team, but I felt lost. How could we find a mutual interest that would span the doctrinal and traditional divides?
When Tim Taylor briefed us on Operation Rolling Thunder, the predecessor to One Church One Day, his testimonies of success were electrifying. Then he entered coaching mode, illustrating from scripture and from practical experience what we needed to do. We went ahead, and in a few short weeks secured the commitment of eighteen churches and fellowships to cover the community in prayer. Tim was diligent in follow-up, asking precise questions to see where we were on track and where we had drifted. When we needed guidance, he referred us back to material already covered. In those rare cases where we explored new ground, he humbly collaborated with us to find a path forward. In short, Tim displays the mature balance of teaching, leading and supporting. I highly recommend Tim Taylor as Coach, Consultant and Collaborator!

Lisa McFarland
Apostle, Warring Dove International | Lawrence, KS
I can still remember the day that I was so overwhelmed by all the administration and new skill-set that I did not yet possess. My ministry had grown significantly and I needed help and encouragement. I cried out to God and said, “I need CEO training!” I began to pray for someone to train me and challenge me as I had done for others. I went to a conference in Colorado where I heard Tim Taylor speaking about the kingdom. I couldn’t believe it. It was like he knew my questions and was answering them right there. I prayerfully began to meet with him and form a relationship that still defines me to this day. I am so grateful for the mentoring and instruction I have received. Many times his encouragement and redirection have saved my ministry from mediocrity and loss. He is very humble and always credits the Lord. I believe he models the Father’s heart and makes great disciples. I am sure that I will continue to learn as our relationship only grows.

Avoid Burning Out By Finding the Right Balance
I am sure you have heard the saying, ‘you cannot pour from an empty cup.’ This is why you need to learn to take care of yourself.

Reward Accomplishments if you Break your Habits
Life becomes more worth living when you know that for every good thing that you did, a reward is bound to come your way. By this time, you already know...

How to Plan and Achieve Your Goals
So now you have the goal, you need the plan. To do this, look at where you are now and then look at all the things you would need to build the life you picture.